George Moore's 2011 PBP Cue Sheets

1) Moved it to XLS format to allow edits and computations  (XLSX version)

·         Cumulative and point-to-point distances in miles have been added for the convenience of metrically challenged American riders.

·         Minor white space changes to improve "fit" to the space available,


2) Reformatted it to fit in Gilles Berthoud Map Pocket, with larger font, (DOCX version)

3) Printed to PDF for same purpose, as the DOCX version may not print on some printers do to odd paper size.

·         The word and PDF versions have the notes for the "cautions" listed in the PBP Dossier (page H) in red font -- see below

Attention :

Here are a few dangerous spots :

· During the first 50 km, the towns have many road median islands.

· 300 metres after the start, at the roundabout (rond-point) des Sangliers: the road narrows from 6 to 3 metres.

· TRAPPES (km 8.5), the road narrows from 6 to 3 metres.

· Crossroads in La Hutte (km 187.5 on the way out; 1042.5 on the way back): You cross the busy N 138 road

(which connects LE MANS to ALENÇON).

· Crossroads in Le Ribay (km 239 on the way out; 991 on the way back): You cross the busy N 12 road.

· Stop sign in BECHEREL on the way back (km 857). You must stop in a downhill, before crossing the busy D 27

road (which connects RENNES to DINAN).