2011 Cue Sheets
Don Bennett
Don Bennett
You can xls and pdf versions of cue sheets derived from Don's Bike Route Toaster files at http://pbpmaps.bikeaholics.org/cuesheets/ .
Nick Bull
Nick Bull
Nick has put togther a DC Randonneurs-style cue sheet. You can find the cue sheet and a description of the DC Randonneurs style HERE.
George Moore
George Moore
HERE is a set of the official PBP cues with the following changes:
Moved it to XLS format to allow edits and computations (XLSX version)
Reformatted it to fit in Gilles Berthoud Map Pocket, with larger font, (DOCX version)
Printed to PDF for same purpose, as the DOCX version may not print on some printers do to odd paper size.